Recipe Overview
This recipe adds the responses from a Typeform as either a Task or Project Note in GUIDEcx and updates the task status when a Typeform receives a response.
Integration Setup
Note: To use this integration multiple times within the same template, you will need to clone this recipe and create a unique merge tag for each Typeform used.
Installing the Recipe
Prerequisites: The Create Typeform URL for GUIDEcx Project recipe installed and configured.
Follow the steps outlined in the video below to install the recipe:
Configuring Individual Steps
This recipe requires some of the steps to be updated in order to work properly. Follow the instructions to configure all of the steps listed below before the recipe is ready to run.
Step 1 (Trigger)
In addition to connecting to the Typeform account that contains the form, the correct form needs to be selected.
Follow these steps to select the form.
Connect to Typeform.
Under Form Name, Select the form you want to use
Optional: Steps 15-18
Steps 15-18 are skipped by default. They include an example of how to create a custom action based on the answer to any question from your form.
The example first includes an IF statement testing whether the customer user is declining usage of your SSO feature. If they are declining, the next actions search for the "Configure SSO for Customer" task on the project and updates its status to Not Applicable.
This allows you to add more logic to customize the recipe based off of the submission.
For more information, see Creating Your Own Recipes in Recipe Builder.
Configuration Parameters
This recipe has parameters that can be configured to adjust its behaviour. Scroll to the bottom of the recipe and click configuration parameters to finish setting up the recipe.
Add form answers as internal note?
Select whether you want the form responses added as an internal note on the Project, an internal note on the Task, or not added at all.
GUIDEcx task to add form answers to
If you choose to add an internal note to a task, specify the name of the task. This response is case-sensitive.
Update a task status when a form is submitted?
Select whether you want the recipe to update a task's status when the form is submitted.
GUIDEcx task to update when a form is submitted
If you choose to update a task status when the form is submitted, specify the name of the task. This response is case-sensitive.
New GUIDEcx Task status
If you choose to update a task status when the form is submitted, select the status you want the task set to by the recipe from the dropdown.
Starting the Recipe
From within Recipe Builder, click the 3-dot menu to the right of each of the three recipes and select "Start Recipe". The Zendesk integration is now live.
Recipe Testing
Follow these steps to test the recipe:
Create a GUIDEcx Project with a template that contains the Merge Tag used by the Create Typeform URL for GUIDEcx Project.
In the project, navigate to the custom Fields and click on the Typeform Link Merge Tag.
Fill out the form.
In the GUIDEcx project, check to see if the response has been added as a note.
If you want the responses added as a task note, check the notes for that specific task.
If you want the responses added as a project note, check the project notes.
If the response was added in the wrong place, wasn't added at all, or added when you didn't want it, check your response to the first dropdown in the Configuration Parameters.
In the GUIDEcx project, check to see if any task statuses were updated.
If a task status was updated, ensure that it was the task specified in the Configuration Parameters.
If a task status was updated, ensure that the status was changed to what was specified in the Configuration Parameters.
If no task was updated, and you expected a task to change, ensure that the third dropdown in the Configuration Parameters is set to Yes, and that the name of the task is spelled correctly with the same capitalization as the task.