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NetSuite Integration Setup

Learn how to connect to NetSuite in Recipe Builder so you can start passing data from GUIDEcx to NetSuite!

Stacey Hatch avatar
Written by Stacey Hatch
Updated over 8 months ago


This article will walk you through the steps of connecting GUIDEcx and NetSuite so you can build recipes and install pre-built ones!

You will need to do the following in NetSuite to connect your NetSuite instance to GUIDEcx:

  1. Enable Web Services & Token-Based Authentication in NetSuite.

  2. Create an Integration Record

  3. Create an Integration Role

  4. Assign the Integration Role

  5. Create an Access Token for the Integration User

Once you've done that, you'll be able to start creating/using NetSuite recipes!

Setting Up the NetSuite Integration

BEFORE YOU START. You must have the following before connecting to NetSuite:

  1. Admin GUIDEcx access.

  2. Access to NetSuite Admin account.

  3. Correct NetSuite permissions.

Step 1: Enable Web Services & Token-Based Authentication in NetSuite

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  1. Click on the Setup tab in NetSuite

  2. Select Company > Enable Features

  3. Navigate to the SuiteCloud tab and scroll down to the following sections:

    1. SuiteScript. All boxes should be checked as pictured in the screenshot below:

    2. SuiteTalk (Web Services). SOAP and REST should be checked as pictured below:

    3. Manage Authentication. Enable Token-Based Authentication and OAUTH 2.0, as pictured below:

  4. Scroll to the top and click Save.

Step 2: Create an Integration Record in NetSuite

Watch video of Step 2

  1. Click on the Setup tab

  2. Navigate to Integration > Manage Integrations > Click New

  3. Create the Integration Record

    1. Name your Integration something memorable, like Elan or GUIDEcx Recipe Builder.

    2. Make sure the STATE is Enabled

    3. Ensure the TOKEN-BASED AUTHENTICATION is checked

    4. Deselect AUTHORIZATION FLOW (under Token-Base Authentication section) and AUTHORIZATION CODE GRAND (under OAuth 2.0 section)

  4. Click Save

Once saved, NetSuite will provide a Consumer Key/Client ID and Consumer Secret/Client Secret. Save those somewhere secure because you'll need them to set up the GUIDEcx integration and you can't access them later.

Step 3: Create an Integration Role in NetSuite

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We recommend that you create a separate integration role just for your integrations. This integration role must have permission to read and write to the records relevant to your integrations. This integration role also must have the ability to log in through RESTlets or SuiteTalk (web services).

  1. Click on the Setup tab in NetSuite

  2. Select Users/Roles > Manage Roles > New

  3. Set up the Role:

    1. Name the Role something amazing, like Elan or GUIDEcx Integration Role.

    2. Allow for ALL and Cross-Subsidiary record viewing.

    3. *Optional: Set the Authentication to "Web Services Only". This allows you to only interact with the APIs. You cannot log in as this user.

    4. Set the following permissions with FULL LEVEL access.

Step 4: Assign the Integration Role in NetSuite

Watch video of Step 4

  1. Click on the Setup tab in NetSuite

  2. Select Users/Roles > Manage Users

  3. From here you can edit an existing one or create a new one. If you'd like to create a new user you can follow the steps below:

    1. Click on the Lists tab in NetSuite

    2. Add an EMPLOYEE (this way they can access everything they need to)

      1. Give them a meaningful name, like Elan or GUIDEcx Integration User.

      2. Provide them with an email address

      3. Select the Subsidiary they are a part of

      4. In the Access section, grant them access

      5. Assign them the Integration Role

      6. Click Save

Step 5: Create Access Token for Integration User

Watch video of Step 5

You can now create an access token for the integration user. If the integration user has User Access Tokens permissions, they can create and revoke their own tokens. If the integration user has only Log in using Access Tokens permissions, you must ask a user with Access Token Management permissions to create an access token for the integration user.

  1. Click on the Setup tab in NetSuite

  2. Select Users/Roles > Access Tokens > New

  3. Set up Access Token

    1. Select the Integration you just created

    2. Select the User you just created

    3. Select the Role you just created

  4. Click Save

Once saved, NetSuite will provide a Token ID and Token Secret. Save those somewhere secure because you'll need them to set up the GUIDEcx integration and you can't access them later.

Step 6: Connect to NetSuite in GUIDEcx

Watch video of Step 6

  1. Access the Recipe Builder in GUIDEcx

  2. Select the Recipes tab

  3. Click Create Project

  4. Add a NetSuite Project

  5. Create a New Connection

  6. Search for "NetSuite". It will be under the GUIDEcx Connect Recommended App Section.

  7. Fill out the following fields:

    1. Connection Name

    2. Location (this is the project in Recipe Builder)

    3. Account ID (found in NetSuite: Setup > Integration > Web Services Preferences)

    4. Token ID (from Step 5)

    5. Token Secret (from Step 5)

    6. Account Timezone. The timezone your NetSuite instance works in.

    7. Leave Ignore read-only fields as No.

    8. Add in the Consumer Key and Secret under Advance Settings (from Step 2)

  8. Connect!

You're now ready to install pre-built recipes and build new recipes between GUIDEcx and NetSuite!

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