Some customers may prefer to interact with GUIDEcx only through their email address. GUIDEcx has a feature where secure links get sent to your customer so they don’t have to register or log into GUIDEcx to access projects. This allows customers to interact with projects from their email, and if they wish to create an account later, the process is easy and accessible from any of their GUIDEcx emails.
Responding to Emails from GUIDEcx
If a customer replies directly to a GUIDEcx email, the email will be sent to the project manager’s email address.
If the email is a task assignment email, the response will sync to the task notes.
If the email is a weekly project overview, the response will sync to the project notes.
Uploading Attachments
Customers can upload attachments to tasks through email. There are two ways to do this:
There’s an “upload attachments” link in the email to click. This will take the user to the task in GUIDEcx where the customer can upload the attachment directly to the task.
If the customer doesn’t want to go into GUIDEcx, they can respond to the email with the attachment they'd like to share. The project manager will be notified of the attachment and can access it from GUIDEcx.
As of April 2024, Providers now have the ability to toggle this setting on/off.
Marking a Task as "Stuck" in an Email
If a user mark a task as “Stuck” in an email, a screen will pop up prompting them to fill out a quick message about why the task is stuck (shown below). Once submitted, this message will be sent to the project manager's email and they will also be notified in GUIDEcx.
I don't want customers to upload attachments via email. Can I turn that function off?
I don't want customers to upload attachments via email. Can I turn that function off?
Yes, this is a Global Setting found in Company Settings. So only Admins can turn that feature off. Keep in mind if you turn it off, make sure your team is aware so they don't ask their customer to upload the file via email.