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Introducing GUIDEcx to Your Customers
Stacey Hatch avatar
Written by Stacey Hatch
Updated over a week ago


Introducing your customers to a GUIDEcx powered onboarding experience can be extremely exciting! We recognize it can be quite the transition to intentionally have your customers engaged more throughout onboarding. Hopefully this helps!

Give them a quick tour

Feel free to use this unbranded video in your Experience Overview to introduce your customers to GUIDEcx.

You want your customers to have as seamless of an experience with you as possible. GUIDEcx is here to help you do that!

We’ve found that a great way to introduce your GUIDEcx powered experience is to write a sentence or two in the Experience Overview and Task Instructions to help them understand what to expect.

PS Here's a handy tutorial you can share in your experience overview that was designed to walk your customers through the Compass Experience.

Experience Overview

This is the first email a customer gets from you after being invited to a project. As you’re setting expectations around the experience process, you can set expectations with a quick sentence for how to interact with the GUIDEcx system as well.

Things you can say: “Throughout the implementation experience, this project will help you have visibility into where we are in the process as well as email you tasks that we need your help with”.

Alternatively, you could add, “We use a great tool that will keep you updated via email about what you need to do and where the project stands. You can do all of this straight from the comfort of your inbox”!

Pro-tip: Include the video above in your Experience Overview. You can hyperlink to it!

For more information on setting up an Experience Overview, click here.

Task Instructions

You want your task instructions to be as clear as possible so that there’s no confusion. It really helps the customer to add a sentence at the end of the first few customer tasks. This could range from a simple “After you have completed the task, please mark it ‘Done’”, to a more descriptive “If you approve of x, y, z, mark this task ‘Done’, otherwise, mark it stuck.”

For more information on creating a task, click here.

Including these tips above can help your customers engage easier than ever. Now, go to your projects and make sure that you’re creating the best, most frictionless experience for your customers!

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