Calendly - Process Event Bookings Recipe

Automate Task Completion within GUIDEcx and share scheduling information automatically from Calendly.

Elan Maynez avatar
Written by Elan Maynez
Updated over a week ago

Recipe Overview

This recipe processes a Calendly event booking. It updates the status of a task, and adds the details about the meeting to the task as a Note.

Note: The "Special Phrase" setting in the Configuration Parameters must be the same in this recipe and the corresponding Calendly - Create Calendar URL for Project recipe.

For more information see the Special Phrase section of the setup.

Integration Setup

Installing the Recipe

Prerequisites: A Professional, Teams, or Enterprise tier Calendly Account. Calendly User URI (obtainable with the Retrieve Calendly User and Organization URI recipe). Calendly - Create Calendar URL for Project recipe installed and running.

Follow the steps outlined in the video below to install the recipe:

Configuring Individual Steps

This recipe requires parameters to be configured before it can run successfully. Scroll to the bottom of the recipe and click configuration parameters to finish setting up the recipe.

Special Phrase

The "Special Phrase" setting in the Configuration Parameters is used to identify the corresponding Calendly - Create Calendar URL for Project recipe. This allows you to use the same Calendly event URL for both GUIDEcx Projects and non-GUIDEcx meetings.

Warning: Using spaces in the Special Phrase will cause errors when running the recipe.

If you want to use this integration multiple times within the same template, you will need to clone this recipe and the corresponding Calendly - Create Calendar URL for Project recipe and have a unique merge tag for each pairing.

For example, if you have a Calendly event URL in your Calendly account named "30 Minute Meeting" that you want to use in GUIDEcx projects for both a Kickoff Call and a Go-Live Prep Call, you would clone the two recipes and create two GUIDEcx custom merge tags. You would then define a unique special phrase for each pair of recipes such as "kickoff" or "go-live-prep" for example.

GUIDEcx Task

Enter the name of the task that the recipe will update when a Calendly event is booked.

GUIDEcx Task Status

Select the status you want the task set to when a Calendly event is booked.

Calendly URI

Paste your Calendly URI that was copied from Step 4 of the Retrieve Calendly User and Organization URI recipe.

Starting the Recipe

From within Recipe Builder, click the 3-dot menu to the right of each of the three recipes and select "Start Recipe". The Calendly integration is now live.

Recipe Testing

Follow these steps to test the recipe:

  1. In the test project created while testing the Calendly - Create Calendar URL for Project recipe, click on the link created in the merge tag and schedule a meeting.

    1. The recipe should run, marking the task to the status set in the configuration parameters and adding an internal note with the details of the meeting.

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