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Creating a New Connection in Recipe Builder
Creating a New Connection in Recipe Builder

When authenticating with a connector in Recipe Builder, a Connection is created and stored for use in future recipes.

Elan Maynez avatar
Written by Elan Maynez
Updated over a week ago


Connectors in Recipe Builder lets you quickly build and use integrations between GUIDEcx and other systems. Instead of configuring each webhook or API Request manually, you can select triggers and actions from a list that already have the data needed to power action ready to be mapped.

User Access

Only Admins can access and manage Recipe Builder.

Note: If you would like the Recipe Builder enabled, please reach out to your CSM.

How to Create a Connection in Recipe Builder

There are two ways to create Connections in Recipe Builder:

Creating a Connection in the Editing Environment of a Recipe

Follow these steps to create a connection in the editing environment of a recipe:

  1. Select an action that uses the connector that you want to configure.

  2. In the Configuration pane, navigate to the Connection tab.

  3. Provide Credentials to Authenticate the Connector.

Note: If a connection already exists, you will need to Click +New connection below the existing connections.

Creating a Connection in the Create Dropdown

Follow these steps to create a connection in the Create dropdown of the Recipes page:

  1. Within the Recipes page of Recipe Builder, navigate to the Project you want to store the connection in.

  2. Click the Create dropdown.

  3. Select Connection from the list.

  4. Search for GUIDEcx and select if from the results.

  5. Provide Credentials to Authenticate the Connector.

Note: Every Connector will have unique requirements to authenticate. Many use OAuth 2.0 or an API Token available in the application you are trying to connect to.

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