Recipe Overview
This recipe syncs task updates to Salesforce on a defined schedule, using a batch update. The default rate of syncing from GUIDEcx to Salesforce will be every 15 minutes.
Note: Start both this recipe AND the "Sync GUIDEcx New Tasks to Salesforce' recipe (that recipe syncs newly added tasks while this recipe syncs updates of existing tasks).
Integration Setup
Installing the Recipe
Prerequisites: Salesforce connection in Recipe Builder
Follow the steps outlined in the video below to install the recipe:
Configuring Individual Steps
This recipe requires parameters to be configured before it can run successfully. Scroll to the bottom of the recipe and click configuration parameters to finish setting up the recipe.
Batch Size
The "Batch Size" setting in the Configuration Parameters is used to determine how many Tasks will be retrieved per API Request.
Note: Salesforce constrains the max Batch Size to 200.
Initial Sync Date
Enter the desired "Initial Sync Date". The first time this recipe is run, GUIDEcx Tasks updated since this date will be synced to Salesforce.
Starting the Recipe
From within Recipe Builder, click the 3-dot menu to the right of each of the three recipes and select "Start Recipe".
Recipe Testing
Follow these steps to test the recipe:
Make some updates to Tasks in GUIDEcx. Verify that the Job runs successfully, according to the cadence set in the Trigger. (Default: 15 Minutes)