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Send GUIDEcx Task Assignment to Slack Recipe

Send Task Assignment messages via Slack with this recipe.

Stacey Hatch avatar
Written by Stacey Hatch
Updated over a week ago

Recipe Overview

Within GUIDEcx when a user adds a note containing the phrase "#SlackAssign" to a note, the integration sends the task assignment as a direct message to the task assignee in Slack with buttons that can be configured to update the task in GUIDEcx using the Push Slack Task Status to GUIDEcx Recipes

Note: This Recipe sends the message to the assignee from the user signed in with the Recipe Builder Connection. We recommend creating a user in your Slack Environment to act as the GUIDEcx bot. See the Slack Task Assignment Integration Recipes Article for more information.

Integration Setup

Installing the Recipe

Prerequisites: The Slack Channel IDs Lookup Table created in Recipe Builder containing any users that you wish to assign via this method. A user created in your Slack instance that will be used to send messages from. The Push Slack Task Status to GUIDEcx (Obverse) recipe installed in Recipe Builder.

Follow the steps outlined in the video below to install the recipe:

Configuring Individual Steps

Step 4 (Search Entries in Lookup Table)

For this recipe to work you will need to configure Step 4 to use the Slack Channel IDs Lookup table that you created.

Follow these steps to configure the step:

  1. Click on the action.

  2. In the Setup tab of the Configuration Pane, click the lookup table dropdown and select the lookup table that you created.

  3. Configure the Search By section of the action.

    1. Switch the User or group email field to a Formula Input.

    2. Enter the Email datapill from the Assignee Dropdown in Step 2.

    3. Add ".downcase" to the end of the field.

Step 8 (Post message in Slack)

For this recipe to work you will need to configure Step 8 to use the correct button action handler recipe.

Follow these steps to configure the action:

  1. Click on the action.

  2. In the Setup tab of the Configuration Pane, scroll down to the Buttons section.

  3. Click the Button action handler recipe dropdown and select the Push Slack task status to GUIDEcx (obverse) option.

Starting the Recipe

From within Recipe Builder, click the 3-dot menu to the right of each of the three recipes and select "Start Recipe".

Recipe Testing

Follow these steps to test the recipe:

  1. Add a Note containing "#SlackAssign" (this is not case-sensitive) on a task that is assigned to a user in GUIDEcx that has been added to the Slack Channel IDs Lookup Table.

    1. The Recipe should run and the User Should Receive a Message in Slack from the GUIDEcx Integration Bot that contains the Task Name, Project Name, Task Due Date, Task Description, and Buttons to Update the Task.

  2. If the Recipe runs, but the user doesn't receive a slack message, check the Job Log.

    1. If the Condition from Step 5 was not met, confirm that the user has been added to the Lookup Table, and that their email is entirely lowercase.

  3. If the Recipe runs, but failed at Step 6, check that the User or Channel ID is entered correctly in the Lookup Table.

  4. If the Message sent in Slack does not contain the Buttons used to update the task, check that Step 8 is configured correctly.

    1. Ensure that the Button Acton Handler Recipe Field has the Push Slack Task to GUIDEcx (Obverse)



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