Slack Task Assignment Integration Recipes

Learn how to connect to Slack in Recipe Builder and what the pre-built slack recipes do.

Elan Maynez avatar
Written by Elan Maynez
Updated over a week ago


This integration between GUIDEcx and Slack enables Task Assignments messages to be sent as direct messages in Slack with the ability to update the task status from the message.

Within GUIDEcx when a user adds a note containing the phrase "#SlackAssign" to a note, the integration sends the task assignment as a direct message to the task assignee in Slack. From within Slack the user an click buttons to update the status of the task. If the user clicks the "I'm Stuck" button, the integration also sends a direct message to the project manager in Slack, alerting them.

Understanding the GUIDEcx/Slack Integration

The GUIDEcx/Slack Task Assignment Integration consists of 3 recipes.

The Send GUIDEcx Assignment to Slack recipe sends the message to the user in Slack. The Push Slack Task Status to GUIDEcx (Obverse) and Push Slack Task Status to GUIDEcx (Reverse) recipes handle syncing the User response in Slack to the Task in GUIDEcx.

In addition to the recipes, this integration uses a Lookup Table with 4 Columns

  1. User or Group Name

  2. User or Group Email

  3. User or Group Nickname

  4. User or Group Slack Channel ID

When the trigger phrase is added as a note to a task, this integration looks up the email address of the task assignee in the User or Group Email column. It then utilizes the Slack user ID found in the corresponding User or Group Slack Channel ID column. The User or Group Nickname column is used by other Slack Integration Recipes to forward notes in GUIDEcx and the User or Group Name column is only for human reference to aid in identifying columns.

Warning: For these recipes to work properly, the emails in the User or Group Email column needs to be lowercase.

Setting Up the Slack Integration

Follow these steps to set up the Slack integration in Recipe Builder:

  1. Create a user in Slack to act as the GUIDEcx Integration Bot.

    1. Follow the steps outlined in Slack's Documentation to add a user. You can use a dedicated email address or your regular email address with a +alias added. For example if you already have a user with the email you can use for the new user. Slack will treat this as a unique email address, but all emails will go to the same inbox.

    2. Download the GUIDEcx Integration Bot avatar image from here.

    3. Sign in to Slack as GUIDEcx Integration bot and follow the steps outlined in Slack's Documentation to Edit the profile.

      1. Set the Display Name to "GUIDEcx Integration Bot"

      2. Upload the avatar image.

  2. Create a Lookup Table

    1. Title the Lookup Table Slack Channel IDs.

    2. Import the following .csv file to create the column headers: Slack Channel IDs Schema.csv

    3. Add rows to the lookup table for each user you wish to assign tasks to via Slack and any potential GUIDEcx project manager.
      Refer to Slack's Documentation to learn how to retrieve a user ID for the User or Group Slack Channel ID column.

  3. Install the Recipes.
    In the recipes tab, search for the following recipes by name and hit enter to return the search results by recipe instead of application.

    1. Sign in to slack using the credentials for the "GUIDEcx Integration Bot" user created in Step 2.

  4. Set up the Recipes.
    Refer to the individual articles for instructions on how to set up the recipes:

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