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Custom Fields V2
Custom Fields V2

Learn about the early access beta preview of the latest Custom Field Improvements

Elan Maynez avatar
Written by Elan Maynez
Updated over a week ago


Our amazing engineers and product team have been hard at work with revamping how custom fields work. Now custom fields support data validation and you can use them in reporting, integrations, and more!

Start the video at 16:28

To get access to this early access beta - please reach out to your CSM.

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Custom Fields used to only support text within the project "object". With new enhancements you will be able to use custom fields in:

  • Reports

  • Recipes

  • and more!

So how does it work?

  1. Create the custom field in Company Settings

    1. Define: where it will apply and what kind of data type it can use

      1. Object Level (is this custom field going to be applied on the project or task level?)

      2. Data Type (text, number, date, email, link, percentage, single select, and toggle)

  2. Validate

    1. Maintain accuracy and consistency of values

      1. Minimum & Maximum (you can set number or length limits)

      2. Require a value (during initial task or project creation)

  3. Populate

    1. Manually set values in UI

      1. In task drawer

      2. Project Table

    2. Automatically via API

      1. With recipe builder

      2. Dynamic fields *this will be available later

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