1: Within GUIDEcx create a custom merge-tag for the form URL. Name it something like "Google Form - Onboarding".
2: Within GUIDEcx navigate to the Templates section, open a task within a template, and add the new custom merge-tag to the task instructions.
3: Within your Google account, create your form. Add a question, named "GUIDEcx Project ID (do not edit)", to the form.
4: Write down your Google form URL.
5: Write down the form's Entry ID for the "GUIDEcx Project ID (do not edit)" question:
6: Add a webhook to your Google Form
Within your Google account, open your form so you can make edits to it.
Click on the 3-dot menu on the top-right and select 'Script Editor'. This will open an 'AppsScript' browser tab.
In the 'Code.gs' section paste in the onFormSubmit function seen below.
Press the 'Save' icon at the top of the screen (the icon looks like a floppy disk and is to the left of 'Run')
7: Add a webhook trigger to your Google Form
Still within AppsScript, click the 'Triggers' clock icon on the left, then click 'Add Trigger' on the lower right.
Configure the following trigger settings:
Choose which function to run: 'onFormSubmit'
Choose which deployment should run: 'Head'
Select event source: 'From form'
Select event type: 'On form submit'
Save the trigger
function onFormSubmit(e) {
var response = e.response.getItemResponses();
var payload = {};
for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
payload[response[i].getItem().getTitle()] = response[i].getResponse();
// Add form name
var formName = FormApp.openById(e.source.getId()).getTitle();
payload["formName"] = formName;
// Add e.range (if available)
payload["range"] = e.range ? e.range.getA1Notation() : "No linked spreadsheet";
var options = {'method': 'post','contentType': 'application/json','payload': JSON.stringify(payload)};UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://webhooks.workato.com/webhooks/rest/a4900223-038e-4438-b8f8-6ee9cc8e48f9/guidecx-form1-webhook', options);}