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Google Forms Integration Setup Steps
Elan Maynez avatar
Written by Elan Maynez
Updated over 2 weeks ago

1: Within GUIDEcx create a custom merge-tag for the form URL. Name it something like "Google Form - Onboarding".

2: Within GUIDEcx navigate to the Templates section, open a task within a template, and add the new custom merge-tag to the task instructions.

3: Within your Google account, create your form. Add a question, named "GUIDEcx Project ID (do not edit)", to the form.

4: Write down your Google form URL.

5: Write down the form's Entry ID for the "GUIDEcx Project ID (do not edit)" question:

6: Add a webhook to your Google Form

  • Within your Google account, open your form so you can make edits to it.

  • Click on the 3-dot menu on the top-right and select 'Script Editor'. This will open an 'AppsScript' browser tab.

  • In the '' section paste in the onFormSubmit function seen below.

  • Press the 'Save' icon at the top of the screen (the icon looks like a floppy disk and is to the left of 'Run')

7: Add a webhook trigger to your Google Form

  • Still within AppsScript, click the 'Triggers' clock icon on the left, then click 'Add Trigger' on the lower right.

  • Configure the following trigger settings:

    • Choose which function to run: 'onFormSubmit'

    • Choose which deployment should run: 'Head'

    • Select event source: 'From form'

    • Select event type: 'On form submit'

  • Save the trigger

function onFormSubmit(e) {
var response = e.response.getItemResponses();
var payload = {};
for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
payload[response[i].getItem().getTitle()] = response[i].getResponse();
// Add form name
var formName = FormApp.openById(e.source.getId()).getTitle();
payload["formName"] = formName;
// Add e.range (if available)
payload["range"] = e.range ? e.range.getA1Notation() : "No linked spreadsheet";
var options = {'method': 'post','contentType': 'application/json','payload': JSON.stringify(payload)};UrlFetchApp.fetch('', options);}
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