Using these Jira Time Tracking Sync recipes you can now have a bi-directional sync between GUIDEcx and Jira for Time worked on a Task!
Features of the GUIDEcx/Jira bi-directional time tracking integration
When a time tracking entry is made on "GUIDEcx" tagged issue in Jira, the following immediately syncs from Jira to GUIDEcx:
The amount of time worked
Date worked
The person who worked the time, which is selected with the following priority:
If the user in Jira who entered the time has an email-matching user in GUIDEcx, who also is currently on the GUIDEcx project, that user is selected as the user who worked the time
Else use the GUIDEcx task assignee
Else if the task is unassigned, use the GUIDEcx project manager.
When a "Sync to Jira" task in GUIDEcx is updated to Done, the following syncs from GUIDEcx to Jira:
If the GUIDEcx task has more time on it than the Jira issue, a single time entry is made in Jira such that both systems show the same total time
The current date is used for the time entry in Jira
No comment is added
Integration Setup
Download the two required recipes
From within Recipe Builder, navigate to Community > Recipes > search for 'GUIDEcx' > download the following two recipes:
Sync Time Tracking (GUIDEcx to Jira)
Sync Time Tracking (Jira to GUIDEcx)
Add a Property to hold your GUIDEcx API key
From within GUIDEcx click on "Open API" tab and copy your organization token to the clipboard
Next click on Marketplace > Properties > Add New Property
Give your property a name such as 'myOrgName.guidecx.api.key', and paste the organization token into the Value column.
Configure the recipes
Configure "Sync Time Tracking (GUIDEcx to Jira)"
Click 'Edit Recipe' then click on the "Retrieve Total Time on GUIDEcx Task" action
Click within the GUIDECX_API_TOKEN field. You'll see the Recipe Data window appear. From within the window, click Properties (at the top) then scroll down and click on the environmental property that holds your API key. The Datapill will be added to the field.
At the top-right click Save then Exit.
Configure "Sync Time Tracking (Jira to GUIDEcx)
To sync time entries from Jira, you'll need to create a Webhook in Jira. The URL you will paste into Jira is found within the trigger step of the "Sync Time Tracking (Jira to GUIDEcx)" recipe.
Click on the trigger step and copy the "Endpoint URL" to the clipboard
At the top-right click Save, then Exit
Create the Webhook in Jira
Log into your Jira environment.
Click the gear "Settings" icon on the top-right and select System
On the left scroll down to Webhooks
Click 'Create a WebHook', and enter the following properties:
Name: Sync Jira Time Tracking to GUIDEcx
URL: paste the URL you copied from the recipe
In the box below "Issue related events" enter:
labels = GUIDEcx OR labels = GuideCX
Check the three Worklog events (created, updated, deleted)
Scroll to the bottom and click "Create"
Start the recipes!
From within Recipe Builder click the 3-dot menu to the right of each recipe and select "Start Recipe". The integration is now live.
Perform a test of the Integration
Create a task in a GUIDEcx project. Within the task, set "Sync to Jira" to ON.
Add a 1 hour time tracking entry in GUIDEcx, by clicking "Add Time" from within the task
You will not see that entry sync to Jira. This is as expected.
Add a 2 hour time tracking worklog to the corresponding issue in Jira.
You will see that entry immediately sync to the task in GUIDEcx.
At this point you should see 3 hours in GUIDEcx and 2 hours in Jira
Update the GUIDEcx task status to Done.
You will see a 1 hour entry added to the issue in Jira.
At this point you should see 3 hours in GUIDEcx and 3 hours in Jira