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SMS Notifications

Task assignees can now get text notifications when their tasks are assigned, due and when they're @mentioned!

Stacey Hatch avatar
Written by Stacey Hatch
Updated over a week ago


Customer engagement is our obsession. We strive to bring you tools that allow you to meet your customers where they're at!

Did you know that 98% of text messages get read and 90% of those are read within 3 minutes of receiving them?

Now you can work better together with internal, customer, and third-party team members by sending email, mobile app, in-app and now SMS notifications!

✨ New Enhancements ✨

As of January 2024, we've made a couple of enhancements to SMS notifications.

  • Opt in via Email

  • Opt out via Email

To learn more about these read on!

User Access

All users (internal + external) regardless of license type are able to use SMS notification types. Users are required to "Opt In" to receive SMS notifications (more on that below).

How to Opt In

Option A: Profile Settings

  1. Log into GUIDEcx

  2. Within the kabob menu, access your Profile Settings

  3. Ensure that you've entered your mobile phone number into the Phone Number field and then check the box to "Opt in to SMS"

  4. By opting into SMS notifications you are automatically enrolled into all 3 options. If you would like to change your preferences, navigate to the Notifications tab.

Option B: Via Email

All notification emails (such as project/task @mentions, task due reminders and task assignment emails) will contain a link to allow users to opt into SMS notifications.

Once the user opts in, the link that prompts them to opt in will be removed from email alerts.

Special Note: Individual users have to opt in themselves, there is not an option that allows Admins to opt in internal users or customers.

When can I or my customer expect a text?

Here is when you can expect a text to come through for the following events:

  • Task Assignment Notifications (AKA a task that is assigned to you is ready to be worked on)

  • Task Due Notification (AKA a task that is assigned to you is due in 1 day)

  • Project Note Mentions (AKA someone @mentioned you in a project note)

  • Task Note Mentions (AKA someone @mentioned you in a task note)

Best Practices

  • SMS Notifications are best utilized in conjunction with Compass. Compass is a fully responsive interface and thus ideal for mobile devices. So while anyone can use SMS notifications they are especially powerful for customer users with Compass enabled. Other types of users can enable SMS notifications, but their experience within the Legacy app/view could vary depending on the device they are using. It should be noted that our product and engineering teams are working on making our entire product mobile responsive.

  • SMS Notifications are powerful and direct. Users should set their notification preferences in a way that text messages don’t become “white noise” and a nuisance. If a user enjoys more passive notifications they should consider using email or in-app notifications.


How can someone opt out?

Users can opt out of SMS notifications in one of two ways.

First, users can navigate to their profile and uncheck the opt in box. If a user does this they will always have the option to go back to their profile and opt back into receiving notifications. During the period that they are not opted in, the links in the emails will return.

The second way a user can opt out of SMS notifications is to reply “STOP” to within the conversation on their phone. If the user does this, their profile will be updated and the Opt In checkbox will be unchecked and deactivated. The only way a user can opt back into receiving notifications is for them to find the conversation on their phone and reply “START” to opt back in. For users that opt out by replying “STOP” they will not see the opt-in links at the bottom of their emails even though they are opted out. This is because our SMS provider has a record of them opting out and doesn't allow for any manual overrides.

Do SMS notifications work for international phone numbers?

No, SMS notifications are limited to those in the United States and Canada. It is important to remember though, that these notifications are primarily for your customers, so even if you are working internationally, if your customer is in the US or Canada, they can still opt into using this feature. Also, because this is a user specific notification, you might serve a global audience and some customers can utilize it while others will need to rely on our other notification options.

Can I respond to the SMS notification?

No. The texts that go out to task assignees is a notification and it's not 2-way messaging.

Can I (as a provider) edit the notification settings of a customer?

You can only edit their email, in-app, and mobile notification settings. You cannot edit the customer's SMS preferences.

Will I (or a customer) get notified via text if their task runs late?

No. They'll only be notified via text when their assigned task becomes ready to work on. This keeps the SMS notification from becoming "white noise."

Can I choose the phone from which the texts come from?

Not at this time.

Will I get SMS notifications immediately?

Users will receive mention notifications immediately. Notifications associated with task assignments are batched and run every 10 minutes. This means it is possible for a task to be assigned and the user gets mentioned in a comment and they would receive that notification before the task assignment notification.

Will I get SMS notifications in the middle of the night like I do with email notifications?

No, we have created “quiet hours” for SMS delivery where it will happen between 8 AM - 9 PM daily, including weekends. If an event happens in the middle of the night, the message will be queued and then delivered in the morning. In the future we hope to deliver a more customized experience around delivery options, but for now we hope users can sleep soundly and not be disturbed by early morning notifications.

Are the 8 AM- 9 PM hours based on any particular time zone?

No, we are making an educated guess on delivery times based on the area code of the phone number. If a phone number is a New York number we will deliver messages at 8 AM EST and if a number is a California number we will deliver the messages at 8 AM PST. We do understand that people retain phone numbers even after they move from an area and that this isn’t 100% effective.

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