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Guide - User Overview

A quick cheat sheet for Guides - feel free to share this with any new Guides in your organization :)

Stacey Hatch avatar
Written by Stacey Hatch
Updated over a week ago

Guide - License type formerly known as Project Manager.

Note: The title change from Project Manager to Guide is strictly for the license type. Project Managers are still assigned at the project level.


Can Guides see all projects? Only projects they own or are invited to!

Can Guides create and edit their projects? Yes!

Do Guides invite customers and internal users to projects? Yes!

Can Guides assign tasks? Easily!

Can Guides create a template? No

Can Guides View templates? Yes!

Key Features


  • Name: The name of the workflow or project plan

  • Experience Overview: This is the welcome email that will be sent out when this template is used.


  • Name: The bucket of tasks such as pre-work, configuration, go-live


  • Name: What needs to be done (action-oriented task title i.e. "Schedule Kickoff Call")

  • Description: Written like the body of an email to tell the assignee what they need to do and how to do it - feel free to include hyperlinks or attachments.

  • Duration: How many days they should have to complete the task (business days)

  • Dependency: Other tasks or milestones that need to be done before this gets worked on.

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