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Resource Management

Assign the right human resources to the right tasks based off of their roles and capacity.

Stacey Hatch avatar
Written by Stacey Hatch
Updated over a year ago


Resource Management is a way for Admin, Manager, & Guide users to make sure the right tasks get assigned to the right person at the right time. Here, you can view estimated capacity, Assign functions, and set user capacity.

Easily see how and to what capacity your employees are being utilized, more accurately plan for future availability, and refine your hiring roadmap by understanding future capacity needs.

User Access

Admins, Managers, & Guides can access and see the capacities of all resources associated with their projects.

Admins and Managers can set up the Resource Management feature, assigning functions to internal team members. Guides who are also PM's can add and edit functions if an admin or manager has enabled the permission.

Task Owners and Contributors will not be able to see the "Resource Management" page in the navigation bar of GUIDEcx.

All internal users have the ability to reassign their own tasks by function.

Customers and Third Parties do not have any Resource Management capabilities.

Estimated Capacity

The Estimated Capacity tab can be found under Resource Management. Here you can track employee utilization by weekly increments.

Each row represents a user in GUIDEcx. Their estimated capacity is determined by the estimated hours set for their assigned tasks that week compared to the max hours set as their capacity.

Clicking on a row shows the details of the capacity. Allowing you to see the projects and tasks accounting for the resource's time.

In the following example, Hayley Beaufort is at 25% of her capacity with 4 tasks spread between 3 different projects:

You can navigate to different weeks using the arrows at the top of the table.

Viewing Capacity Details and Reassigning Tasks

After Expanding a row, clicking on a project will open up the Capacity Details & Reassignment modal.

At the top, you can switch which resource you're viewing. Navigate to a new date range, and see the estimated capacity and hours.

Below that you can see the week broken down into individual days and see the tasks that are scheduled for those days. These use the start and due dates of assigned tasks to determine the days and the estimated hours to determine hours total.

Hovering over a task, are options to edit the hours, or reassign the task.

How to Set a User's Capacity

Estimated capacity is calculated based off of the max hours set for a user. Admins can set the default capacity for all users or set the capacity for an individual user.

This can be useful for part-time employees or users who contribute to the onboarding process as a secondary job duty (for example a Sales Rep who participates in a customer handoff call, but is primarily working with prospects outside of onboarding).

Follow these steps to set a users capacity:

  1. Click on the Settings Cog in Resource Management.

  2. Ensure that the default capacity is set correctly under Overall Capacity.

  3. Under Capacity Per Person, scroll to the user you wish to edit, and enter the max hours in the field to the right of their name.

  4. Click Save.


Users in GUIDEcx can be assigned a function, or even multiple functions if necessary, in order to define their roles or skills. Functions can be used as a filter in several places in the application in order to assign the right person to the right tasks and projects.

How to Add Functions

Functions need to be created under a function group.

Follow these steps to add a function group to GUIDEcx.

  1. Navigate to the Resource Management page in GUIDEcx.

  2. Select the Functions tab.

  3. At the bottom left of the Functions page, name your Function Group and click the "Add Function Group" button.

Follow these steps to add a function to a function group in GUIDEcx:

  1. Hover over the function group that you wish to add the function to. This will display a + icon and a trashcan icon.

  2. Click the + icon to open the Add Functions Modal.

  3. Name the function

  4. (Optional) Assign the resources by clicking the + icon to the right of their name. It will switch to a green checkmark. If needed you can search for a user to narrow down the results.

  5. (Optional) Click Add Another to create another function group without closing the modal and repeat steps 3 and 4.

  6. Click Done.

Pro-Tip: Create functions not just for job description but also for skill sets like language fluency. Be as granular as your projects call for. For example, your project may call for an Account Executive who also speaks Spanish and is located in a certain region. This granularity will allow for filtering to just the right person to assign to projects and tasks!

How to Assign Resources to a Function

After you have added Functions, you can start assigning internal team members to their associated functions! Follow these steps to assign a resource to a function:

  1. Hover over the function that you wish to assign resources to. This will display a pencil icon and a trashcan icon.

  2. Click the pencil icon to edit the function.

  3. Assign the resources by clicking the + icon to the right of their name. It will switch to a green checkmark. If needed you can search for a user to narrow down the results.

  4. Click Done.

You are now able to use these functions/resources across your projects!

How to Remove Resources from a Function

Follow these steps to remove a resource from a function.

  1. Hover over the function that you wish to remove the resource from. This will display a pencil icon and a trashcan icon.

  2. Click the pencil icon to edit the function.

  3. Remove the resource by clicking the green checkmark icon to the right of the resource's name. It will revert back to the grey + icon. If needed you can search for a user to narrow down the results.

  4. Click Done.

Deleting a Function

If a function is no longer needed you can delete if by following these steps:

  1. Hover over the function that you wish to remove the resource from. This will display a pencil icon and a trashcan icon.

  2. Click the trashcan icon.

  3. In the resulting modal, select Delete



The Capacity tab of the Resource Management Settings allows Admins to adjust the default maximum hours for resources. This is used to calculate their estimated capacity.

Overall Capacity

Here you can set the default Max hours for all resources. New users will default to the number selected.​

Capacity Per Person

Capacity per person is calculated by day. These values will override the default max hours. If a value isn't entered, it will use the default value set in Overall Capacity.


The Permissions tab of the Resource Management Settings allows Admins to adjust the permissions given to Project Managers.

Add & Edit Functions

Toggle to allow Project Managers to add & edit functions.


If a user has met capacity, will GUIDEcx permit them to continue being assigned to projects?

Yes. GUIDEcx will not restrict users from being scheduled over their capacity. The system will simply highlight that they are over allocated.

Do I have to create several functions per function group?

No, function groups may have have just one function. Adversely, you can create multiple functions per group, selecting multiple resources for their associated functions.

Can one resource have more than one function?

Yes, resources may be assigned multiple functions in order to give yourself options as you filter to assign the right person to the right task!

If I remove someone from one function, does it remove them from another?

No, if your user has been assigned multiple functions, they will only be removed from functions you remove them from.

Does removing a user from a function affect in flight projects?

Yes. In the attempt to remove a user from a function, a pop-up will appear warning you that removing this user from this function will remove them from all associated tasks.

I don't want to overwhelm my resources, how can I manage their work load?

Use the Estimated Capacity tab to assign hours to each resource. This way, you can choose not only the right function(s) for projects but also the resource with the capacity to manage another assignment.

If I remove someone from one function, does it remove them from another?

No, if your user has been assigned multiple functions, they will only be removed from functions you remove them from.

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