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How To Add Customers to Projects

Inviting customers to your Projects increases customer engagement!

Stacey Hatch avatar
Written by Stacey Hatch
Updated over a week ago


The best thing you can do for your OX (onboarding experience) is to invite your customers to their onboarding project. They will be more engaged and in the loop because now they can see exactly how their onboarding is going! (Think Amazon Tracker for their onboarding)

User Access

All GUIDEcx users (Admin, Managers, Guides, Task Owners, Contributors, and Customer Users) can add customers to a project.

How to invite customers to their onboarding project

As of August 2023, the Add Team Member button is available on all tabs of the project!

  1. Click the "+Add Team Member" button available on all project tabs.

  2. Select the option to Add Team Member found in the top right corner of the team page.

  3. Enter Customer's info (Name and Email address - see screenshot below)

    1. You can choose to assign all customer tasks to them (Note: This only applies to one customer team member)

    2. Define their project access.

      1. Compass view is the Default project view

      2. You can give them a Full Project View

      3. If you feel they may need "horse-blinders" you can restrict their access to "My Tasks" (Note: This will limit the customer's view of the project to only their tasks.)

  4. Click Add Team Members. This is when the customer will be invited to their onboarding project!

Have additional customer team members to add? Use the "+ Add Another" option found in this drawer and add as many users as you need to your customer team, then Once you have done so click Add Team Members at the bottom of the drawer.

Best Practices

  • Be sure to invite at least 2-3 customer team members to every project. The executive sponsor (contract signer), the main point of contact (usually this person is assigned all customer tasks, and a power user (someone who can take over if the main point of contact goes on vacation).

  • We recommend that providers (that's you aka someone providing the onboarding experience) add the main customer team members. Don't rely on them to add their team

  • Don't forget to add customer tasks to your project plan to enable them to participate in the onboarding process. A little bit of involvement goes a long way!

  • If you'd like to preview the invitation email, click "Send Me a Test Email"


Why can't I edit a customer's information?

If you see a customer on your project and you don't see the three dots to edit their information, then chances are they also use GUIDEcx as a provider. When that is the case, that is expected behavior. We don't allow you to edit the settings of another GUIDEcx user.

The customer's email address is cut off. How can I see the whole thing?

If you'd like to view the whole email address, double-click on where the email is on the team member's card. That will highlight the email and if you copy that it will copy the full email not just what you see

What should I know about the new Add Team Member button?

The Add Team Member button is a shortcut to reduce the number of clicks that you had to click in the past. Previously, to invite a team member you would have to navigate to the "Team" tab within the project. We have surfaced that button to be visible on every tab.

When is the best time to invite the customer?

Most of our partners invite their customers before their kickoff call! We like to do it after because we have several things that happen before we can invite them. Once we add them, they will get your experience overview along with any task emails.

What does the "Restrict Access to 'My Tasks'" do?

If you check that box for a customer user, they will only receive communications pertinent to them and their tasks. Think of this feature like horse blinders. The user won't have a full project view. This comes in handy if the user may get sidetracked easily.

What does the "Assign User All Customer Tasks" box do?

If you check that for a customer user, they will be assigned to all the customer tasks in the project. They can always reassign as needed, but we recommend marking that box as the main point of contact!

Can I edit a customer's information if it's incorrect?

Yes, Admins, Managers, and Guides can edit the customer's name, notification settings, and project view by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner of their customer tile on the team tab.

However, only Admin and Manager users can edit a customer's email for them. If the email address is wrong and you are a Guide user, you can either remove the incorrect customer user and add them with the correct email, or you can ask an admin or manager user to update the email for you. Task Owners and Contributors don't have access to those three dots.

Customers can also edit their user information from within the GUIDEcx platform, they edit their info the same way that you would edit yours, which you can see the details on HERE.

Can a customer add another person on their team to the project?

Absolutely! They will see an option to add team members on the left-hand side of their screen.

Can I add more than one customer at a time?

Yes, you can add more than one customer at a time. In the Add Team Member drawer for customers there is an option in the middle of the drawer "+ Add Another" This will allow you to enter more customer user details to add to your project.

Who gets an invitation email?

Yes, all internal and external team members will receive an email that looks like this:

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