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3. Company Setup

Learn best practices to setting your company up correctly with white labeling and other settings!

Stacey Hatch avatar
Written by Stacey Hatch
Updated over a week ago


Your Company Details is where you can manage your users, custom fields/merge tags, integrations, access your API token, and edit your company settings.

User Access

Only users with Admin or Manager licenses in GUIDEcx can access the Company Details.



Edit Company




Can add and edit any users

Can add and edit any user (excluding admin)

Custom Fields




Open API






Edit Company

Editing company details can now be made from the Program Management tab!

Navigate to the Program Management tab on the left side of your screen. From here you can make edits to company name, website, logo, and the primary contact details. Simply hover over the company name and select the pencil icon to make those edits, or the trash icon to delete a company completely.

Find out more about Program Management here.


This is where you can manage your GUIDEcx licenses and users. Learn more about that here.

Custom Fields

These are fields that are specific to you and your company that can be used to further personalize your customer's onboarding experience! Learn more about custom fields here. Learn about merge tags here.

Integrations, Marketplace, and Open API

Manage your integrations, the Recipe Builder, and API token here. If you're interested in learning about integrations, check out our collection here.


This is where you can manage the majority of your settings like:

  • Time Tracking

  • Global Projects

  • Email

  • White Labeling

  • Authentication (SSO)

Time, Cost and Billing

If you use Time Tracking, then you'll need to set up your billing profiles and categories. You can learn more about that in our Time Tracking collection found here.

You have the option to limit which time entries your teams can edit. Toggle those preferences on/off!

If you want to prevent users from editing time entries from the previous months, then you can toggle that preference on.

For more flexibility, you can prevent users from editing time entries for completed projects as well.

Global Project Settings

Internal Task Visibility:

You can set the default for internal tasks. If it's set to Visible, then external users (customers and 3rd party) can see all the details on an internal task. Internal notes and attachments are still hidden from them. Task Name Only will only allow external users to see the task name. Note: this global setting can be overwritten at the task level.

Show Shareable Link in Projects:

Each project comes with a link that can be shared via email with anyone. Toggling it off will prevent the link from being accessible by anyone. We recommend to keep it toggled on for easy sharing of progress.

Send Project Level CSAT Survey:

Collecting customer feedback on your onboarding experience is extremely important. You can turn this setting on and all customers involved on the project will receive a survey to review their onboarding experience. Learn more about that here.

Show Compass Experience for all Projects:

The Compass experience gives your customers a login-less and easy-to-use interface. Learn more about what that experience is like by checking out this article.

Note Comments Default to "Internal":

Worried about sending internal notes to your customers? Default all notes you send to “internal”, don’t worry, both options will still be there.

Allow Contributors to filter by Function Tasks:

If you use Resource Management, this feature makes it so users can filter the global tasks page by function. This filter will allow contributors to assign themselves tasks within their functions for all projects whether they are invited to them or not. Functionality within the view is limited until they assign the task to themselves.

Currency Type:

Select the type of international currency to be shown on all projects and reports. This changes the currency symbol only and does not convert between currencies. Learn more here.

Use Status Change Reasons:

It's important to understand why projects fall behind schedule or get put on hold. Now you can manage those reasons and gather data! Learn more about Status Change Reasons here.


You'll need to verify your domain in order to have GUIDEcx send automated emails on your project managers' behalf. To learn how you can do that check out the Verify Your Domain article here.

Address to BCC all emails:

If you'd like to have all automated emails recorded somewhere (like your CRM) you can put in email addresses to get BCC'd.

White Labeling

Your onboarding experience should feel like an extension to your brand. That's why you can white label your GUIDEcx instance. You can use your brand's primary color and logo. We recommend to use darker tones since lighter colors are harder to read. To learn how to white label, check out this article.


Secure Links:

Secure links are temporary working links that allow secure access to GUIDEcx projects without the need for a password. Toggle it on and off here. Learn more about them here.


Set up SSO here to reduce the number of credentials your users need to create. Learn SSO best practices here.

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